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Cave Art & Human Evolution

Your custom private escorted Northern Spain tour with us is the best way to get closer to the mysteries of our distant past as humans.  Northern Spain is home to many of the finest expressions of prehistoric Paleolithic cave art in the world.  Our archaeological sites related to human evolution have yielded many of the world's ancient hominid bones (of species prior to ours, homo sapiens).

We also have scheduled set departure dates for focused tours (more information below). These small group, or semi private, Paleolithic Art & Archaeology Tours are comprehensive in nature covering most of the important sites in the area. Human Origins Tours of this nature tend to be larger group and not as affordable as our tours. Visit our sister site Cave Art Tour Spain for more information.

cave art /kāv ärt/

A large underground chamber, typically of natural origin, in a hillside or cliff with expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

There are more than 100 caves with Paleolithic art in Northern Spain, 18 of which have been declared World Heritage sites by UNESCO.  Altamira cave, arguably the crown jewel of prehistoric art, is one of the Paleolithic art's masterpieces and world renowned.  Yet other hidden gems await such as El Castillo, Tito Bustillo and Ekain.  The caves contain art from every period of the upper Paleolithic, including the oldest known expression of parietal (wall) art in the world at over 40,000 years old.   The caves are also interesting archaeological sites, many having been used by our own species, Homo sapiens, during the Upper Paleolithic, but also by Neanderthals in the Middle Paleolithic. 


human evolution/ˈ(h)yo͞omən evəˈlo͞oSH(ə)n/

The process by which different species of the genus Homo are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier ones over time.

If human evolution is an interest, this area is a hotbed.  The Atapuerca mountains archaeological sites have yielded a continuous record of human ancestors going back 1.3 million years.  The area has rightfully also been granted World Heritage status by UNESCO.  From Neanderthals to much older species such as Homo Antecesor, first found here, the trail of evolution continues to unravel at active archaeological sites such as Atapuerca, El Sidron cave, El Castillo cave, El Miron cave and La Garma cave.


Do cave art and human evolution stir wonder in you?  Stir it further on your private, escorted Northern Spain tour with us.  Charles, your Chief Experience Officer, will custom design your tour, guided by your interests and tailor an experience that will exceed your expectations.  A Northern Spain Paleolithic cave art tour or a Northern Spain human evolution tour can be a focus for your custom tour. My tour area covers traditional Northern Spain, including the regions of Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Euskadi (Basque Country), Navarra, La Rioja and northern Castilla & Leon (Leon, Palencia and Burgos).

2025 Set Departure Focused Tours

April 2025 - Saturday 05 (9 days) or Monday 07 (7 days) April to Sunday 13 April, 2025 - limited availability

June 2025 - Saturday 14 (9 days( or Monday 16 (7 days) June to Sunday 22 June, 2025 - limited availability

June/July 2025 - Saturday 28 (9 days) or Monday 30 (7 days) June to Sunday 06 July, 2025 - available

September 2025 - Monday 08 September (7 days) to Sunday 14 September, 2025 - available

Focused Tour Description

Comprehensive Tour of Paleolithic Art & Archaeology of Northern Spain

  • Human Evolution Archaeological sites

  • Paleolithic Cave Art sites

    • real caves and replicas covering up to 14 different UNESCO sites

  • Important Related Museums

  • Semi-Private, Small Group Tours

    • 1 to 6 participants (maximum)

This “Human Origins” tour is comprehensive in nature and covers the most important sties related to human evolution in Northern Spain. These include the archaeological cave sites and museums related to Atapuerca, El Castillo, El Miron, El Pendo and El Sidron, spanning four different human species dating back to 1.3 million years during the Lower, Middle and Upper Paleolithic. The tour covers the most important UNESCO World Heritage site Upper Paleolithic rock art caves including: Altamira cave, El Castillo cave, Chufin cave, Covaciella cave, Covalanas cave, Ekain cave, La Garma cave, Hornos de la Peña cave, Llonin cave, Las Monedas cave, El Pendo cave, El Pindal cave, La Peña de Candamo cave and Tito Bustillo cave. Access to the cave art sites is very restricted due to conservation reasons. The Paleolithic Art & Archaeology of Northern Spain Tours visit actual real caves whenever possible, and a number of excellent replicas in the cases where the original caves are not accessible, as well as other important related museums.


Focused Tour Testimonials



”I have a blurry, childhood memory of seeing the negative image of a handprint on a cave wall on television, and my dad explaining to me that it was made many hundreds of thousands of years ago by someone blowing pigment through some kind of a straw, sharing with me the wonder of imagining the circumstances of its creation. In that moment, a seed was planted, and I knew that one day I needed to see these images with my own eyes.

This year, I took the leap to find them and other prehistoric paintings of bison, red deer, and aurochs, joining Charles and a group of strangers for a life changing week. Beyond seeing the handprints, my broader intention for the trip was to awaken my senses and to tap into the expansive timeline of the paleolithic hominid experience in Europe, to understand the historic interrelationship between animals and the changing environment, and to absorb the cultural expression evidenced by truly living within nature. I found all of this in the visceral experience of the dozen UNESCO sites we toured, thanks to Charles’ expert guidance and his personal connections throughout northern Spain.

Charles demonstrated a deep understanding of every cave site, pointing out each brushstroke, engraved line, and rock contour, and even recreated flickering light to mimic prehistoric lamps fueled by bone marrow. It is worth noting that he also addressed the challenging physical navigation of the caves with a group whose members had varying levels of mobility.

Charles readily shared his expansive knowledge of history, food, culture, and geology, while sourcing great small hotels each night and local restaurants each day, making suggestions on local specialties to try, all the while fluidly switching between Spanish and English. Additionally, his great sense of humor and agile thinking, adjusting our itinerary, when necessary, added to an unforgettable experience. It was truly the trip of a lifetime, and hopefully the first of many with Northern Exposure Spain.”

— Chloe C., Florida, USA - September 2024



”The experience was so superlative that I feel obliged to tell the world.

I have wanted to visit the rock art caves of western Europe for a long time. I explored options but was disappointed with the offerings, until, that is, I found Charles.

Having recently completed Charles’ 8-day tour largely in Cantabria but also Asturias and the Basque country with my husband Peter, I am still reeling from the impact this excursion has wrought.

I found Charles on line, as one does, and we communicated sparingly before I signed up for his package. His messages were clear, helpful and informative so I was confident this was going to be rewarding. His passion for his subject(s) was palpable so I had no doubt we would learn something (notwithstanding I was not a complete novice to start with).

The tour was carefully structured and all expenses were covered in the very reasonable price. I quickly came to appreciate how balanced the programme Charles had structured for us was. Careful introductions to the prehistory and archaeological understandings, a visit to an archaeological dig with full commentary, visits to appropriate museums and then, the caves!

Anyone seriously interested in booking this fabulous experience can see info on Charles’ web site or ask him for details.

What we saw and what we learned is epic and will live with me and Peter for the rest of our lives (not hyperbole, I promise) but the reason for my writing is to express our appreciation of the many things one would not assume even with the best product. The reason for that is simply, Charles.

Charles’ knowledge and capacity to explain what we were seeing and experiencing, frankly can’t be matched by any one doing the same job. He was so respected by the official guides that they often let him instruct us.”

— Susan B., Australia/Spain - September 2024



”We have just completed a week with Charles looking at Palaeolithic rock art in Northern Spain. It was an extremely interesting and informative tour. Charles structured the tour beautifully – from the earliest sites at Atapuerca, to some hands-on experience with tool and fire-making, to the caves themselves and finally to look at the animals whose representations we had seen I particularly liked how Chales explained the underlying geography of the areas we were in and how this impacted on the sites we saw.

Charles also arranged pleasant hotels and enjoyable lunch spots. Throughout he was hospitable, enthusiastic and knowledgeable. We strongly recommend this unique experience. It has definitely shifted the way that we look at the world!”

— Michael W., Darwin, Australia - September 2023



”I spent an exellent week in early September 2023 touring the Palaeolithic caves of Northern Spain with Charles. I am really glad I choosed this tour. The booking some months earlier was easy and Charles gave a lot of good information about the cave tour. The planning, from pick up in Bilbao to drop off back in Bilbao after one week was great. Everything ran smoothly. Charles’ knowledge of the area, caves, the artworks and the ancient humans is really professional. The tour was a wonderful experience, and it would’nt be possible to try to organize such a tour of your own as Charles knows who to talk to and where to eat, arranging guides for each cave or museum and spot the nice restaurants and hotels. I really recommend this cave tour. ”

— Lars K., Stockholm, Swedem - September 2023



”We had the pleasure of touring with Charles for about a week in early August. We had visited a number of French caves the previous summer and were excited to see cave art, primarily paintings from the Paleolithic period, in northern Spain. Charles truly made everything a breeze. He took great care of us from the moment we landed at Santander airport. His incredibly deep knowledge of cave art, as well as his eagerness to share his passion with us made a world of difference. At every single cave we visited (there were many!), he was thoughtful to point out intricate details about the archaeological history of the site, the artisanal methods employed by these early modern humans, the artistic nuances that may be easily missed to the untrained eye, etc. We got so much more out of these cave visits because of his expertise. The actual guiding aside, I would also recommend touring with Charles versus trying to DIY because he can craft a very efficient and customized itinerary with the most optimal sequencing given your specific interests and the characteristics of each site, resulting in a logical progression that builds on what you’ve already seen and helps you better contextualize and connect the different times, places, and people related to the spectacular art you’re seeing. Also, it was quite evident that Charles literally knows everyone working at these sites, so we sometimes got special treatment, such as spending more time in a cave than typically allowed. I should also note that all of the meals we had with Charles were very regional and delicious, which ended up being a highlight for us as well. We highly recommend booking a tour with him!”

— Kinny M., Virginia, USA - August 2023



”Our trip was everything we dreamed it would be. Charles was WONDERFUL. He custom designed our visit according to our preferences and abilities. He was our private guide and took care of all the driving, parking, cave reservations/tickets. He’s knowledgeable and passionate about prehistoric art and prepared us fully before each cave, then acted as our guide within. He’s perfectly fluent in both English and Spanish and seems to be friends with almost everyone we encountered. He has great taste in restaurants, and helped us order amazing, adventurous meals we wouldn’t have been able to figure out on our own. He’s been upbeat and fun to spend our days with. He even took us from and to the airport on the days before and after our tour. Total thumbs up from us!”

— Emily W-S., Cabridgeshire, England - July 2023



”This was a masterfully coordinated experience. The spectrum of sites and attention to detail was exquisite.”

— Steven L., Pennsylvania, USA - June 2023



”It was really an unbelievable trip for us; I think the word “mind-blowing” sums up the experience. Just amazing—and moving, too. Even now, I find myself almost in tears (as I was regularly in the caves) over these delicate paintings made by ancient artists: as superior in their vision and technique and their ability to convey deep emotion to the viewer as any modern master. The sweet, sleepy reindeer; the astonishingly pulsing movements of the deer; the gorgeously drawn horses; and the hands, continuing to reach out to us across time… not to mention the mysterious red dots and symbols that are so evocative of…what? We don’t know. But they are all stunning—and that signifies great art.

Thank you for escorting us on this trip of a lifetime. It was perfectly planned and timed from beginning to end; we didn’t have to lift a finger, only to follow you to these isolated and remarkable sites and clamber down into deep time, to revel in the art. A highlight was your fashioning a lamp out of bone marrow and dry grass and showing us how the drawings must have flickered and moved in that ancient light. (Delicious local lunches were a treat, too!) And you synthesized everything with interesting trips to the museums. Thank you so much, Charles”

— Lydia W., New York, USA - May 2023



”Sometimes wonder needs a concierge. Charles is that person for Paleolithic art in Spain. Some of it is the logistics, of course; you’d have to do a lot of research to figure out what caves to go to and book the times - and all the cave guides only speak Spanish, But just as essential is his depth of knowledge and passion and his ability to convey both.”

— Patricia J., Massachusetts, USA - March 2023



When I was a kid, I wanted to be an archeologist. Life took me down a different professional path but now in retirement I can indulge my prehistorian proclivities. I read a lot, listen to lectures online and have been fortunate to see most of the visitable sites in France on my own. That said, I still have much to learn. That’s what makes Charles extremely valuable as a guide. He is truly expert, having been visiting these sites as a child with his father, and interacting with Spanish archeologists as an adult. Charles is an active member of the Spanish prehistorian community. He knows all the local scientists and guides personally and often attends workshops and special, not-for-the-public tours with them—and has been a wonderful mentor for me. It is great to have a specialist with whom to discuss these issues in-depth. In fact, it’s great to have someone who wants to talk about this stuff at all; generally my other friends’ eyes glaze over a few sentences into the subject.

Charles is fluent in both Spanish and English; communication is never a problem.

Originally this tour, our second with Charles, was going to focus on things we hadn’t seen in northern Spain the first time around, but at his suggestion we met in Porto so that we could add the outdoor engravings in the Coa Valley (Portugal) and in Siega Verde (Spain). Charles only recently began touring so far from his base, and we’re glad he did. Both sites were fascinating.

Even after a tour Charles is happy to continue the dialog. For example, we are now discussing in-the-weeds issues related to Altamira by email. Charles never seems to be too busy to dive into things prehistoric.

I’m sure we’ll book with Cave Art Tour Spain again before long.

— Scott W., Washington, USA - April 2022



Being able to see the caves, sites and museums was a dream fulfilled. These caves are a treasure. I did get a true sense of awe, over and over every time I entered a cave and saw the symbols and the paintings. The physical experience of being in the cave, the darkness, the shapes, the damp, and chill deepened this sense of wonder.  Being in the vastness of the caves, right where the ancient ones lived pulled me into being a time traveler. 

They must have lived in a true Garden of Eden, the sea, the mountains, the rivers, and the swirl of animals, made their world a bounty of abundance. Theirs was a rich life that showed in their decorated artifacts, every surface, from walls to bone to stone bore the mark of their presence.  I count myself truly blessed to have walked through these caves and to have seen what these people, so much like me, left as their legacy.       

I am having a difficult time putting into words all I have taken back with me from the tour of the caves in northern Spain.  My heart, spirit and imagination were enlivened through my immersion in the Pleistocene culture and the mystery of human behavior.  

Thank you, Charles, for opening this world to me. 

— Jayne L., Oaxaca, Mexico - September 2021



I have just returned from an amazingly excellent week touring the Palaeolithic caves of Northern Spain with Charles. His knowledge of the caves, the artworks and what may have driven the ancient humans to create such beautiful works is that of a first-rate professional.

 Teaching and learning come naturally to Charles, it appears to me, so he is the perfect guide. He is solicitous and caring without ever being overbearing and genuinely interested in people and what our perceptions and insights might be into the wonderful sites and artworks. We visited digs, sites, caves and museums so I gained an understanding I never could have if I had tried to do this trip alone. It was a comprehensive wonderful experience.

Charles is part of the fabric of Cantabria and the very life around the caves: he knows who to talk to and where to eat, arranging guides for each cave or museum and restaurants for delicious lunches in the most interesting places. I cannot recommend Charles’ Northern Caves Tour highly enough. It has piqued my interest in the intellect, and the subtlety of the paintings, engravings and sculpture of the first humans in Europe. I am thoroughly intrigued. My abiding interest in art history has been awoken in a new way.

I intend to take another tour with Charles in the coming year.

— Katharine S., Barcelona, Spain - September 2021



I would like to express my thoughts and feelings about the unique and superb.experience of Northern Spain Paleolithic Art tour you Charles organized and guided. I am very happy I chose to explore paleolithic art in Northern Spain through your custom private tour. The great advantage of the custom-crafted itinerary was that while taking into account our personal interests, capabilities, and handicaps you managed to choose some of the most important and interesting paleolithic places. In 6 days we visited 21 sites: caves, replicas, museums, prehistoric archaeological sites and parks, some quite far apart, thanks to your meticulous time schedule and preordered reservations. I was impressed by your wide knowledge of the prehistoric era, especially cave art and your explanations. Since many of the sites had guided tours and explanations only in Spanish, your simultaneous translation into English was indispensable. You also prepared us very well right from your introductory presentation and before the visit to each site. And above all, your delightful personality and support made this trip memorable. I have learned so much from you in discussions not only about paleolithic cultures but also about contemporary life in Northern Spain. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

It should be noted that one of the great advantages of your custom private tour Charles is that prehistoric Spanish caves are less tourist-friendly than their French counterparts. The paths to the caves are often rough, stairs in the caves have no railings, some caves have steep slippery stairs and the ground may be muddy and wet. Since you are so well acquainted with every inch of the Northern Spain caves, you prepared and advised us very well and often provided invaluable physical support.”

— Yael K., Tel Aviv, Israel - July 2019



I encourage anyone curious about the Spanish prehistoric caves to enlist Charles as their guide. As a 72- year old, seasoned traveler, familiar with the French caves and museums, I soon realized that their Cantabrian and Asturian counterparts posed challenges that required special assistance. Less physically accommodating to the average tourist, the caves are also at a considerable distance from one another, and most of the public tours in Spanish. With the exception of Altamira, these caves, their replicas, and local museums, are simply not as familiar as the French ones to even an educated student of the field. The reality, however, is that they offer a whole new experience of the extraordinary antiquity and diversity of prehistoric art and artifacts that is a veritable revelation. Besides the caves themselves, the museums Charles insisted on including were impressive: local government investment helps to subsidize innovative displays that draw on cutting-edge technology. Charles’s own effective heuristic technique is to first prepare the visitor with a sense of what awaits, thereby training us in how and what to look for within the caves themselves. Because one can easily be overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of objects and facts to assimilate, his commentary at the interpretive centers was invaluable.

My companion and I presented Charles with a complicated timetable and requests that he forged into an ideal set of itineraries. He turned out to be as congenial in person as he had been accommodating during our protracted correspondence. Thank you, Charles!”

— Michèle R. - Pennsylvania, USA - July 2019



Brilliant, sensitive and cohesive introduction to Prehistoric Cave Art in Northern Spain.
Charles ... a ‘local’ is best described as Renaissance Man with inexhaustible knowledge of Past, Present, Flora, Fauna, wine and dining ... all this and more comes with a refreshing sense of humor!

Looking forward to the delights of Galicia’s Neolithic Rock Art sites next year.

— Robyn B., Australia - June/July 2019



I have been wanting to see the art of our remote ancestors since 1998. Now at 75,I finally got my chance and I chose wisely.

I have traveled widely and found Charles to be one of the best guides I have ever had the opportunity to know. I found him knowledgeable about the peoples of northern Spain and their land and their customs, but most importantly I appreciated his in depth knowledge Paleolithic cave art. He conveyed to us the techniques used by Paleolithic artists create the patrimony which they have left for us.

Since access to the natural caves was through Spanish government tour guides stationed at each of the caves, Charles’ good relations with these guides assured us we got VIP treatment. Charles always provided us augmentations and clarifications where needed to government guide’s presentations. So, we always left the caves with the sense we saw and understood what was available to be seen.

Personally, Charles literally made the trip happen for me. I took the trip requirements seriously. I trained by walking on rough trails and steep for over three months but once inside the caves with their slippery floors, Charles made sure I didn’t fall and on one occasion where the steps were about 18 inches to two feet high, he actually gave me a hand over them .

I feel very fortunate to have Charles as a guide. I learned a lot and felt safe as I learned.

— Paul B., Georgia, USA - September 2018



What a great trip. Thank you so much. I didn’t know what to expect touring the Pre-Historic Caves of Northern Spain. Charles was a great guide. We got to see all the caves that were available for us to see; both replica’s and real caves. The real caves were a great experience and Charles made sure we were safe inside each cave. Charles was very knowledgeable about all the caves and was up to date even the most recent discoveries. The timing of the days were great with wonderful trips to seaside villages with great food. Accommodations were 5 star and getting from place to place in a luxury vehicle was fabulous. It was a small and intimate group. I don’t think I can ever go back to larger group tours. We had such personal touches and care and I have a new understanding of the history and the beautiful cave art. Thank you so much for such a great trip.”

— Sue P., Virginia, USA - September 2018



Traveling with Northern Exposure Spain to see the extraordinary Prehistoric cave art was one of my top travel highlights ever! Charles is a gracious, host, guide, companion, and knowledgeable man who deepened the experience both in the caves and throughout the adventure. Food was superb, we stayed in wonderful and very special hotels. If you are seeking a custom trip to Spain and/or the prehistoric caves this is the trip to take — personal, informative, and hugely fun. ”

— Pam D., Cambridgeshire, UK - September 2018



”Every once in a while, I stumble into an experience so breathtaking, so rich, and so utterly powerful, that I classify it as a true blessing. Charles orchestration of our tour, his knowledge and passion made this more than a tour; it was a mystical experience and he was both guide, storyteller, concierge. If you want a journey into the past, while enjoying a man who advocates for our children’s heritage, then a Paleolithic Cave Art exploration with Charles is a must when you are in Spain. Thank you again for an amazing tour.

Stephen C., California, USA - September 2017



”The mystery of the caves remains a mystery. And, as you know, words cannot do it justice. I believe that’s how it should be. I also know how fortunate we were to be exposed to this art by someone as knowledgeable and passionate as you. That you obviously enjoy sharing this knowledge, and yourself, with strangers is a gift. We thank you.”

— Barbara & George K., North Carolina, USA - October 2016



”It has been a month since I toured with Charles into the caves of Northern Spain. Charles’ infectious passion for how people from thousands of years ago captured their experience in cave paintings set the tone for an individualized, exceptionally rich experience. It has been a month since the tours and I am still exuberant when I share what I learned. As a kid, visiting the caves were always a goal; little did I know I the extent of details I would learn both from Charles. I thoroughly enjoyed how Charles could meet me where I was with my knowledge and questions, planning a program that met my interests and abilities and the rich conversations before and after visiting the caves, chatting about the ancient peoples and the lands where they painted. . I am still buzzing. This experience rates as one of my best experiences with guides over 20 years of travelling. I highly recommend Northern Exposure Spain and Charles as an educated, experienced, extraordinary investment. ”

— Emma B., British Columbia, Canada - October 2015



”Touring Northern Spain with Charles was a wonderful experience. He considered all my interests and designed a program that exceeded my expectations. I have traveled on 6 continents on my own and on tours. Charles is one of the best guides I have had: experienced, knowledgeable, curious, with a great sense of humour and appreciation of nature and culture combined. It quickly became apparent he knows the area intimately having explored it since childhood. I was delighted by surprise visits to special places as we traveled along the roads. My main reason for going to this area was to see the Paleolithic cave art of Spain following a visit to the French caves in Dordogne the year before. Charles got me into 8 UNESCO caves- an unforgettable experience. He also took me to museums, art galleries, churches, medieval towns, Roman and Celtic sites, port towns, national parks, sea, valley and mountain viewpoints, markets and even a ranchers fair, a music concert and some gourmet restaurants. I had a great time and would thoroughly recommend touring Northern Spain with Charles as your guide!”

— Ms. Trallee D., British Columbia, Canada - October 2013

Northern Spain Cave Art & Human Evolution on the Net

Cave engravings at least 20,000 years old discovered in Navarrake it stand out

An unusual set of cave engravings, corresponding to graphics typical of the Gravettian period of between 28,000 and 20,000 years ago, has been located in the Alkerdi 2 cave in the Navarrese municipality of Urdazubi/Urdax. As reported by the Government of Navarra, these findings consist of a dozen engraved figurative representations, among which are bison, aurochs, and horses, with at least five series of lines attached to them, double traced in red paint.

Paleolithic Light Transformed Dark Caves Into Spaces for Art and Living

Long before the Dark Ages, a longer, darker period ruled much of life on earth, including Neanderthals and early humans. Now scientists are shedding light on this time when life was lived in caves during the cold, dreary winter months. To brighten their days and nights, groups during the Paleolithic period relied on artificial light sources to illuminate the deep, dark caves they used for shelter. But such lighting did more than allow them to cook and move about. Depending on the source, this lighting enabled the first symbolic behavior that thousands of years later would be enshrined as art.

Ancient Footprints Of Playing Caveman Children Preserved For 16,500 Years

When a small group of children ran through the mud of this prehistoric cave, they left behind footprints that remained almost unchanged in the soft ground — until they were discovered recently, an incredible 16,500 years later.

Lethal wounds may indicate 430,000 year-old murder

Lethal wounds identified on a human skull in the Sima de los Huesos (Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain) may indicate one of the first cases of murder in human history, some 430,000 years ag...The archeological site, Sima de los Huesos in northern Spain, is located deep within an underground cave system and contains the skeletal remains of at least 28 individuals that date to around 430,000 years ago, during the Middle Pleistocene. The only access to the site is through a 13-meter deep vertical shaft, and how the human bodies arrived there remains a mystery.Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.